Easy hacks to boost engagement on your Instagram blog

Instagram has helped people open doors to opportunities they have never even imagined by posting valuable yet fun content and building a strong community around it.

However, having a large number of followers on Instagram doesn’t guarantee engagement. You need to focus on building an active community. Great engagement can even help your content get prioritized by the Instagram algorithm, which means you’ll continuously reach more and more of the right people.

So how can you do the same? Here are 6 easy hacks to boost your Instagram engagement.


Post Engaging content:

Treat your followers as your own friends and post some fun content from time to time like, memes, behind the scenes, funny everyday stories.

The two most valuable form of engagement on Instagram is Save and share. To make people take those actions you need to provide value in your posts. But don’t force it, your feed should be a mix of planned valuable content and all the fun in between.


Use all the IG tools:

Instagram algorithm is getting smarter every day and it favours people who use all the tools available on Instagram. Which includes stories, feed post, reels and IGTV. Instagram wants to promote more diverse content, that’s why they spent so much time and energy creating all the tools, so use them all creatively to create your feed.


Avoid fake followers:

As tempting it might look. Never purchase fake followers, they are not real people who won’t interact with your content. So, an account with a lot of followers and low content interaction, will automatically be pushed down by Instagram algorithm as it feels your content is not fun. Also, apart from that Instagram keeps wiping off fake/bot profiles. So, you’ll keep losing those followers as well.


Interactive stories:

Use Instagram stories daily, and post after a certain interval of 2-3 hours.

As the feed posts are now no longer in chronological order as Instagram prioritises certain posts in users feed according to its algorithm, posting stories regularly is one way to have your content always on top of your follower’s feed.

Use stories to announce your upcoming posts, and use all the story features available to interact with your followers.


Track best time to post:

In order for your posts to reach the maximum number of people you need to post at the right time. You can do this easily by using a combination of Instagram Insights, testing different posting times, and by creating an organized time chart to compare your engagement.

 Go to the analytics tab (the little graph symbol in the top right corner of your screen), select ‘Audience’, and you’ll see where most of your audience is based, and the time when most people are active.


Use new tools:

Instagram always pushes the new tools so it reaches maximum number of people.

As currently the new feature on Instagram is reels and it is getting a lot of attention at the moment.  Small video content is the future of social media as people don’t want to watch long videos and binge on short videos easily so it makes sense that Instagram is pushing Reels. Hence, you should be posting reels regularly for better engagement and to attract potential followers.



Hope these tips would help you grow your Instagram blog, if you have any more queries feel free to leave a comment or reach out to us on our Instagram page @talesandstories_official






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